Transit Modes and Technology

What is BRT?

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) provides reliable travel time experiences through the use of dedicated lanes, transit signal priority technology, and dedicated stations that offer seamless connections to local bus and rail services.

Bus Rapid Transit Characteristics

BRT typically includes the following:

Frequency is the amount of time between transit vehicle arrivals at a stop.

While transit buses usually operate on surface streets with other vehicles in “mixed traffic,” BRT systems include “fully dedicated” lanes on sections of the route, in which only public transportation and emergency vehicles may operate.

Some transit systems use unique branding for BRT service, which helps to clearly differentiate the enhanced transit service.

Queue jump lanes are additional travel lanes on the approach to intersections, allowing transit or emergency vehicles to bypass traffic at busy intersections.

Transit Signal Priority (TSP) technology connects transit vehicles to traffic signals, reducing the amount of time buses are sitting at red lights.

Examples of Bus Rapid Transit

Bus Rapid Transit is being utilized in a number of major American cities. Below are a few notable examples.

By the numbers:

  • Operating since 2008
  • 6.8 miles of BRT
  • 59 stops
  • 7 – 10 minute frequencies
  • 20,000 Daily Riders

By the numbers:

  • Operating since 2005
  • 18 miles of BRT
  • 17 stops
  • 9 park & rides, 2 mobility hubs
  • 22,256 Daily Riders

By the numbers:

  • Operating since 2002
  • 6 bus routes
  • 14 – 21 stops
  • 1 Mobility Hub
  • 39,000 Daily Riders

What is a Bus Rapid Transit Station

Bus Rapid Transit stations often offer enhanced features and amenities similar to that of a rail experience.

  • Shelter
  • Bench
  • Sign
  • Next bus arrival information
  • Emergency phone
  • Ticket vending
  • 24/7 security monitoring
  • Proximity to existing activity centers
  • Proximity to major intersections
  • Optimal station locations to achieve peak travel time frequencies
  • Projected ridership
  • Connections with other transit services
  • Technical feasibility

What is ART?

Arterial Rapid Transit (ART) is a frequent all-day bus service that travels mostly on arterial roads. ART operates primarily in mixed traffic through queue jump lanes at key intersections with transit signal priority (TSP).

Arterial Rapid Transit Characteristics

ART typically includes the following:
Frequency is the amount of time between transit vehicle arrivals at a stop.
Queue jump lanes are additional travel lanes on the approach to intersections, allowing transit or emergency vehicles to bypass transit at busy intersections.
Transit Signal Priority (TSP) technology connects transit vehicles to traffic signals, reducing the amount of time buses are sitting at red lights.
  • Shelters
  • Seating
  • Route maps
  • Real-time arrival screens
  • Off-board ticketing at high ridership locations
  • Near-level boarding platforms

For more information on BRT visit: