June 2023 Project Update

MARTA is currently coordinating with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) on technical details for the project. When this process is complete, we will schedule a public update to provide more details and take feedback. Please take a look at our updated FAQ document and visit the ‘Give Your Input’ page to leave comments or questions for the Project Team.

February 2023 Project Update

MARTA is advancing Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) for the Clifton Corridor Transit Initiative. Alternatives 1A and 1B feature BRT in dedicated transit lanes between Lindbergh Center MARTA Station (Red and Gold Lines) and Avondale Station (Blue Line), serving Emory University, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other neighborhood and activity centers. Alternative 1B adds an additional BRT service between Lindbergh Center and the City of Decatur, with a 1.5-mile extension to Decatur MARTA Station (Blue Line) as Arterial Rapid Transit (ART) in shared traffic lanes. MARTA will continue to evaluate multiple options for the connection to Decatur MARTA Station.

The project will reduce peak end-to-end transit travel times in the corridor from over one hour to about 30 minutes. Peak transit travel times between Lindbergh Center and Emory University would be reduced from about 30 minutes to 11 minutes.

Click the links below to learn more.

Project Overview

The Clifton Corridor Transit Initiative is MARTA’s proposed new high-capacity transit service that would provide a connection between two existing heavy rail lines through a major employment and institutional corridor in the Atlanta region. Key activity centers in the corridor are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Emory University, Emory University Hospital, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta – Egleston, Lindbergh Center, and Atlanta VA Medical Center.
A Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the project was previously adopted by the MARTA Board of Directors in 2012. In December 2018, an LPA was recommended but not adopted. However, due to changing conditions in the corridor and new funding and technology opportunities, MARTA Leadership is performing a multi-stage Alternatives Analysis with public engagement to evaluate several new project alternatives. The goal is to identify an LPA that is based on maximizing community and stakeholder support, minimizing environmental and community impacts, increasing the potential for federal funding, and supporting community needs and the project purpose as listed below.

Community Needs / Project Purpose

  • Frequent and reliable high-capacity transit is needed to serve the Clifton Corridor, a major regional population and employment center
  • Better transit access and connectivity within the corridor
  • Improved Access to the MARTA Rail System